Saturday, January 26, 2008

Weekend Warriors!

In the spirit of seeing everything that our new home has to offer (and since we actually have somewhat of an income this semester) we ventured out to try some locally owned restuants in our area.

Tif had an appointment in OKC last Friday, and from a recommendation we decided to tryout Sauced in the Paseo Art District.

It really was awesome, and we plan on visiting again soon! Everything was so fresh- it was great!

The next day we stumbled into Victoria's Pasta Shop along Campus Corner in Norman. It is quickly becoming one of our favorites. They have an awesome caesar salad.

Monday was a holiday for us, so we didn't have school or work. Freebird's had their grand opening, and was giving away free burritos for a year, so we decided to go stand in line...

We didn't get the free food for a year (people had been there for 2 days waiting in line) but, we did get a free meal and t-shirt!

The rest of Monday was a full day of studying. Things are crazy busy here, but we are both enjoying our classes, and Tif is loving her new job. Check out the link to Student Life and see where she works!
This is Tif's new study group...
Just for fun here is Kaikeyi's Elvis impression...

Could she be any more cute?