Thursday, September 22, 2011

Swing Set

Man, oh man,do I like Craigslist.
Chris and I started talking about getting a swing set for Eli a couple of months ago.
We really wanted something big and nice being that we want to keep it around for a long time for many different kiddos.
We of course wanted a Backyard Adventure set, but holy moly...that is a lot of money for something that sits outside. Anyway, I started looking on Craigslist and we came across the perfect set for our kiddos (current and future).
And we talked the guy WAY down from his asking price. YES. Probably because it was a beast to move, but hey, we had some awesome helpers.

Here is Eli coming around the corner to see his "special surprise". He had no idea what was going on.

Chris was able to get one of the slides up by himself, and Eli had a blast playing on just that section for a few weeks...

A few weeks later we begged Chris' oldest brother to come help. :)
Here they are finishing up everything...

Eli was a big helper for uncle Steve and Daddy.

Here are the girls watching...actually, Abby did a lot of work too! I love a man that isn't afraid to ask for help.

Eli loving the tire swing...

We have played outside everyday since. Ileigh loves the baby swing and I think Eli has gone down the slides a thousand times already.
What a great investment!

Two days ago we bought a fabulous double stroller off of Craigslist...I am hoping we get some great use out of it on our vacation coming up!
I am currently looking for a queen headboard to redo for Ileigh's room on Craigslist. :)