Thursday, November 03, 2011

24 Days of Thankfulness- 3

Day 3

1. Free queso

2. Lunch alone

3. Big boy underwear

4. Compliments on my kids

5. Realizing that your child just exceeded your expectations

6. To-Go teas

7. Throwing leaves

8. Sweet potato gobbles

9. Meeting goals

10. Vacation plans

11. Two more treatments

12. A happy baby

13. A proud little boy

14. A warm smile

15. Painted toenails

16. Heaters

17. Husband’s sweatshirts on cold days

18. Christmas cards finished early

19. Time with family

20. Boots on the wrong feet

21. Catch up

22. “You cannot read, Daddy. Mommy reads.”

23. Christmas lists complete

24. A day where the wind is less than 10 MPH